• Sermon Series: In Those Days There Was No King
  • Sermon Title: Triumph in Weakness, Weakness in Triumph
  • Preacher: Steve Constable
  • Scripture: Judges 8:4-21


  1. Why does the Lord command Gideon to reduce the size of the army from 32,000 to 300 men?
  2. What is Gideon’s emotional condition at this time (v. 10), and how does the Lord help him (v. 11)? What is Gideon’s response to the Lord’s encouragement (v. 15)?
  3. How do the 300 warriors of Israel fight the battle (see especially v. 21a)?
  4. According to verse 22, who is the real warrior of Israel, and what does he do?
  5. How do the cities of Succoth and Penuel respond to Gideon’s request for help? Why is their subsequent judgment so severe?
  6. In what ways are you being challenged to step out in faith, finding God’s strength and reassurance as you do so? How does looking at the servant-heartedness of our Savior liberate us from seeing ministry as self-salvation?
  7. Take a few minutes to ask for God’s help to change your fear into worship as you encounter the strength of the Warrior of Israel, the one in whom we boast, working through our weakness in order that Christ’s power may rest on us.

Questions taken from Timothy Keller. Judges For You (p. 92). The Good Book Company, and Miles Van Pelt. Judges (Knowing the Bible) (pp. 46-52). Crossway.
