• Sermon Series: Habakkuk | Living By Faith
  • Sermon Title: In Faith, Is There No Fear?
  • Preacher: Steve Constable
  • Scripture: Habakkuk 3:1-19


READ Habakkuk 3

  1. What is faith exactly? Is it a body of knowledge? Is it a kind of experience? Is it the opposite of something else? What would you say faith is if someone asked you?
  2. Habakkuk describes experiences of fear at several points in chapter 3. What is happening in his context that might make him afraid?
  3. The Bible says in 1 John that “perfect love casts out all fear.” Is it ever legitimate to experience fear in the worship of God? If so, what is that fear like? Can you think of biblical examples?
  4. Knowing that God is a God whose deeds Habakkuk says he fears [2], what is he looking for God to do in his situation? If God were to turn up in your life, what do you think He’d want to do?
  5. But there’s more to this God than fear and dread, Habakkuk places his hope in God. How can we learn from Habakkuk in his feelings about his situation [16], in his awareness of what he might lose [17-18], and in his confidence that God is nevertheless working in his life [19]?
  6. Summing up, where is your faith in God on the fear-hope scale? How does knowing Jesus Christ balance the two for you?
  7. Share your prayer requests with the group, and if there is a challenge or an encouragement in your exercise of faith, share that also.