• Preacher: Al MacInnes
  • Sermon Series: Seven Letters for Seven Churches
  • Sermon Title: Sardis
  • Scripture: Revelation 3:1-6


READ Revelation 3:1-6

  1. What was Jesus’s evaluation of this church (v.1)? How did he arrive at this evaluation? Having read the letter, do you think you’d have reached the same conclusion? Why?
  2. Jesus gives 5 commands to this dead church (vv. 2-3). List the commands and explain what obeying each command might involve.
  3. Which of these commands would Jesus speak to your church, or to you, and why?
  4. Is the visitation Jesus promises if the church does not wake up (v. 3) a good thing or a not-so-good thing? What might such a visit from the Lord look like in a church today?
  5. Some students of these churches believe that the problem at Sardis was the church’s unwillingness to break away from traditional Judaism. Since Jews were not required to declare publicly that Caesar was Lord, most of these Christians were reluctant to declare their belief that Jesus was Lord in front of their Jewish friends and families. Following Jesus as the promised Messiah meant having your name blotted from the synagogue membership roll and being removed from the protections that Judaism provided. What is Jesus’ promise to those who faithfully follow him (v. 5)?
  6. In what situations today might a Christian be reluctant to declare loyalty to Jesus rather than seek the approval of those around them?
  7. In what area of your life or work in the church, or in your community group is Jesus calling you to live with new boldness for the sake of your allegiance to Him?
  8. Spend a few minutes in quietness before the LORD. Ask  Him to reveal one area of deadness in your relationship with Him.