Sermon passage: Mark 6:30-44
Title: Teaching and Feeding
1. Compare the attitude of Jesus and that of the disciples toward the crowd. What are their underlying motivations?
2. Why does Jesus tell the disciples to give the crowd something to eat? What is He teaching them about themselves and how they are to minister to others?
3. Why does Jesus perform the miracle of feeding with bread and fish?
4. Jesus’ own body would be broken and given for those who trust in Him to be nourished by the Bread of Life. This bread is as crucial for our souls as food is for the physical body. In what ways have you personally been experiencing this spiritual nourishment?
5. In what ways have you felt it has been a struggle to connect with Him and experience this spiritual nourishment?
6. Jesus intends for his followers to be used as Peter was to “feed his sheep.” How has God been using you to this end? Spend some time in prayer as a group that we too would be given to the ministry of “teaching and feeding.”