• Sermon Series: Giving in Faith
  • Sermon Title: Giving Our Money
  • Preacher: Curt Kenney
  • Scripture: 2 Corinthians 9:6-15


2 Corinthians 15

  • The economy of giving.
  • The heart of giving.
  • The fruit of giving.

1. Do you find yourself worrying about money often or rarely considering money at all?

2. When have you received a generous and unexpected gift?

3. Do you tend to think of yourself as living in a closed system of the human economy, or an open system of the divine economy?

4. What principles does Paul offer for understanding the Divine economy? (Sowing and reaping)

5. How does Paul appeal to the heart when it comes to our understanding of money? What is his desire for our hearts when giving?

6. Would you say the gospel directly informs your giving or do you sometimes struggle to make that connection?

7. What does Paul describe as the fruit of Christian generosity? Specifically for the Christians of Corinth and Jerusalem, what will be the outcome if they make the gift?

8. How many we as individuals or a community be called into greater generosity as a result of the Father’s abundance in our lives?
