Mark 1:21-2:12
- If you happened to ever get lost in a store as a child and were separated from your parents, who did they tell you that you should talk to? Was it the store manager? A police officer? A grown up? Who would you tell your children now to talk to [or do they have a phone already!]?
- In this series of events, we see in Jesus a combination of two traits that we don’t ordinarily put strongly together: the person of authority and the person who has great compassion. READ Mark 1:2-12
- Describe the scene in Mark 1:21-28. How do events move so rapidly from Bible teaching to demon exorcism to whole town healings? What link do you see in Jesus between the three things?
- After a successful day in ministry, Jesus announces the next day that He and the disciples must leave Capernaum. What reason does He give the disciples? What does His reason suggest about the priorities of His ministry and what human beings need from Him most?
- In 2:1-12 Jesus encounters a human form of opposition. Who were these people? List the three things that Jesus does in a home on his return to Capernaum. Which of these do these people have most problem with? What makes you say so? How would you answer Jesus’ question in verse 9?
- The people in the crowd in verse 12 say “We never saw anything like this!” and they glorified God. Have you ever seen anything like this? Why should you then glorify God?
- Thank the Lord that He is the take-charge commander and also the in-person healer of our souls. Pray for each other that as you encounter troubles this week you will not hesitate to respond to Him in His authority or go to Him in His need.