• Preacher: Steve Constable
  • Sermon Series: Seven Letters for Seven Churches
  • Sermon Title: Smyrna
  • Scripture: Revelation 2:8-11

READ Revelation 2:8-11


1. What are the descriptions Jesus gives himself (v. 8), and why would these be an encouragement to a suffering church?

2. What does Jesus know about the Christians at Smyrna (v. 9)?

3. Do you find it comforting or disturbing to realize that Jesus knows about you and the circumstances of your life so completely? Explain.

4. Even though the church at Smyrna was marked by poverty, Jesus declares them to be rich (v. 9). How would you explain that apparent contradiction? How do you measure your economic and financial standing?

5. The Jews of Smyrna were exempt from offering worship to the Roman emperor and, as long as Christians were under the Jewish umbrella, they were also exempt. Now, however, some of the Jews were denouncing Christians to the Roman authorities, which resulted in the persecution of Christians. Those who work against Jesus are working in harmony with Jesus’ enemy, Satan, even if they don’t directly realize it. Why does Jesus say that the Jews who slander Christians “say they are Jews and are not” (v. 9)?

6. Who does Jesus identify as the true enemy in persecution, and how does God use that suffering in a believer’s life (v. 10)?

7. How does it benefit the Christians to say, “You will suffer persecution for ten days”?

8. Jesus then adds a startling command: “Be faithful, even to the point of death.” Why does Jesus alone have the authority to give that command to his followers?

9. What does Jesus promise to those who are faithful until death? Is that reward worth death to you? Why or why not? Pray for greater courage as a Christian—not to attack or correct people you disagree with, but to live faithfully for Jesus.

Questions taken from Seven Letters to Seven Churches by Douglas Connely, InterVarsity Press, Kindle Edition, pp. 18-20.
