• Preacher: Steve Constable
  • Sermon Series: Seven Letters for Seven Churches
  • Sermon Title: Ephesus
  • Scripture: Revelation 2:1-7

Revelation 2:1-7

1. If you had just relocated to Ephesus and visited the Ephesian church, what would impress you about this group of believers (vv. 2-3)?

2. How does it make you feel to hear Jesus say to you, “I know your deeds”? What would Jesus commend in your church?

3. The Ephesian church was full of hard-working, dedicated believers, but as Jesus looked deeper, what is one thing he found that bothered him (v. 4)? Why is this “first love” so crucial for an effective ministry?

4. As you look at your own life and your activity in Jesus’ name, honestly evaluate why you do it. Is it because you ought to, because someone has to, because you were asked to—or is there another motive? Explain.

6. Jesus tells the Ephesian church to take steps. What would each involve for a church body (v. 5)? Consider: Repent: Do: 7. What warning does Jesus give if they refuse to repent, and what might that judgment look like (v. 5)?

8. What does Jesus promise to “the one who is victorious,” that is, the one who perseveres in faith (v. 7)?

9. What can you do to keep the fire of devotion and love for Jesus from fading over time? Write some specific steps drawn from this passage, and ask the group to help you be accountable for taking those steps. What can you do to see love for Jesus rekindled in your church? Ask Jesus to reignite the flame of love for him in your heart. Let the Holy Spirit search out any areas of deadness, coldness, or disobedience. Stay in Jesus’ presence until your heart is stirred to new depths of love and devotion to him.

Questions taken from Connelly, Douglas. Seven Letters to Seven Churches (LifeGuide Bible Studies) (pp. 14-16). InterVarsity Press. Kindle Edition.
