• Preacher: Curt Kenney
  • Sermon Series: The Parables of Jesus
  • Sermon Title: The Parable of the Wedding Banquet
  • Scripture: Matthew 22:1-14


Matthew 22:1-14

The Parable of the Wedding Banquet

A. The Invitation
B. The Response
C. The Proper Attire

1. What does the King’s invitation show us about the nature of the king?
2. What are the various responses to the invitation?
3. How can you relate to those various responses?
4. Do you struggle with assurance that you have responded to God’s invitation into His kingdom?
5. What is the proper attire for God’s wedding banquet and how can this help assure us of our salvation? (Read Isaiah 61:10)
6. Consider the illustration of Murdo MacDonald and the good news that the Allies had come.  Do you find yourself joyfully longing for the wedding banquet or distracted by other things? (Read Isaiah 25:6-9 – a vision of the coming banquet)
7. Spend some time in prayer for people in your life whom God might be calling to Himself. Pray that He will use you as a messenger to bring this all important invitation.
