• Preacher: Zac Collins
  • Sermon Series: The Parables of Jesus
  • Sermon Title: The Rich Man and Lazarus
  • Scripture: Luke 16:19-31

Read Luke 16:19-31

  • Now checkout the surrounding context. What is going on in the context and how does it specifically inform this parable and what Christ is communicating?
  • What is this parable primarily teaching? Why do you think that? What are some secondary teachings of the parable?
  • What are the contrasts between the Rich Man and Lazarus?
  • Why does the Rich Man find himself in hell? What does this teach us about unbelief? God’s Word? How we live our lives?
  • What are some of the implications of this parable for you and your daily life? Be specific.
  • Take the remainder of your time to pray for each other and your personal applications of the parable.