• Sermon Series: In Those Days There Was No King
  • Sermon Title: Handcrafted Religion
  • Preacher: Curt Kenney
  • Scripture: Judges 17:1-13


Micah 17-18

  • Micah and His Family
  • Micah and His Religion
  • Micah and His Idols

1. What does the open of the story imply about the dynamics of Micah’s family?

2. What is so odd about Micah’s mother’s response to his theft?

3. What motivates Micah to craft his own version of religion?

4. In what ways do we have a similar approach to religion?

5. In chapter 18, Micah complains that his idols have been taken from him. What does this say about the futility of idol worship?

6. How does idol worship warp our perception of God and of reality?

7. Compare Micah’s experience of God to that if Isaiah in Isaiah 6.

8. How does God rescue us from our idol worship? Read Hebrews 4:14-16.

9. What are some idols God might be revealing in your life and what are some of the underlying “covenants” you tend to make with these idols?
