• Preacher: Steve Constable
  • Sermon Series: Prepare to Meet Your God
  • Sermon Title: Prepare the Crown
  • Scripture: Zechariah 5:1 – 6:8

Sermon Discussion Questions

Zechariah 5: 1-6:8

1. All the way through Zechariah we have been dealing with the Spirit giving the prophet pictures of His plans through the medium of visions. From your own experience, are there times when a picture has been clearer than a written or verbal explanation? Share it with your group and share the impact that it made on you.

2. READ Zechariah 5: 1-6:8(ESV)

3. Looking at this sixth vision in the book, what is the first vision of? What significance does the scroll have in its huge size and the fact that it is written upon on both sides? What does its capacity to fly mean for the ones that the curse is sent for (thieves and those who swear falsely] across the land?

4. The seventh vision is of a woman trying to climb out of a basket where she has been contained. What are we told in verse 6 that she represents? [She seems to represent dishonest trading: too little given for too much money charged. Possibly, she may represent the marriage of foreign wives.] In either case, she is being taken back to Babylon where a permanent home is being built for her.  What message is being given to God’s people?

5. The eighth vision of four chariots is similar to the vision of the riders we read in chapter 1. As in most of these visions the precise reference for the details of the vision may be unclear but the basic message about God’s power to save is clear.  [v.5] What comfort does it bring to know that the LORD’s Spirit is now “at rest in the north country” [the region where Israel’s greatest enemies came from]? 

6. The final act in understanding these things is not something Zechariah sees but something he is told to do. He is told to crown Joshua the high priest with the crown of the King [Hebrews 6:9-11]. What made this act unusual and who does this sign represent, as the writer of Hebrews tells us, will reign in “the power of an indestructible life” [Hebrews 7:16]? 

7. This is the answer to the riddle of human history: God will bring His rest to the nations through the crowning of the man that He has appointed both Priest and King!  On the one hand, sin is removed by His priestly and atoning work. On the other, He saves His people in victory over sin, death and the devil. Take time to reflect on God’s triumph at the cross and thank Him for the ways He is working in you to make you more like the Lord Jesus.
