• Sermon Series: In Those Days There Was No King
  • Sermon Title: A Bramble for a King
  • Preacher: Curt Kenney
  • Scripture: Judges 9:6-21


Judges 9

3 Acts:

  • Abimelech’s rise to power
  • Jotham’s warning
  • Abimelech’s downfall

1. What do you learn about Abimelech in the opening verses which describe his rise to power?

2. How does he gain control?

3. Is he different from previous judges? (others are called by God and often reluctant to lead).

4. What is Jotham‘s warning? What’s the significance of the various trees?

5. Abimelech‘s name means my father is king. Jonathan’s name means Yahweh is perfect/blameless. What is the significance of their names? (In many ways, this is a battle for the hearts and minds of the people. trust in a king like Abimelech and in earthly power or will they put their trust in God alone?)

6. What does the nature of Abimelech‘s downfall tell us about God’s justice?

7. How does Satan parallel Abimelech and how is Christ radically different as a leader? (Read Phil 2).

8. How should this inform our selection of leaders in the church, in business, in politics, etc?

9. Read 1 Timothy 3 where Paul lists qualifications for leaders. Spend time in prayer that we would turn to Christ as our true king, and follow his lead as a servant.
