• Sermon Series: In Those Days There Was No King
  • Sermon Title: The Horrible Vow of an Honorable Man
  • Preacher: Steve Constable
  • Scripture: Judges 11:29-40


READ Judges 10-11

  1.  Israel’s idolatry is out of control; how many gods or sets of gods are they now serving in their rejection of the Lord (see v. 6)? Israel’s sin is matched only by the Lord’s gracious salvation. From how many nations has the Lord delivered his people (see vv. 11–12)? How do these realities of idolatry and deliverance correspond to Joshua 21:43–45 and 23:1–16?
  2. In the judge cycles, Israel does evil; the Lord becomes angry; he gives Israel into the hand of oppressors; and then Israel cries out to God for help. At this point in the present cycle, we would expect the Lord to raise up a judge to deliver his people. In this case, however, the Lord responds differently. How does the Lord respond to Israel’s cry for help? How is the Lord’s response ultimately a gracious response?
  3. (11:1–33) Describe Jephthah’s family situation. Why would this make him an unexpected or unqualified savior in the eyes of Israel? Can you think of other such unexpected deliverers in the Bible? Why do you think the Lord often works in this way? What is Jephthah’s first approach in dealing with the enemy: war, or covenantal diplomacy? What is the ultimate basis for his approach, as described in verse 27? What does this say about the character of Jephthah, especially as he is presented in 1 Samuel 12:11 and Hebrews 11:32ff.?
  4. Jephthah’s (In)famous Vow (11:30–31, 34–40) What is the vow that Jephthah promises to fulfill if the Lord will deliver Israel through him? Is this a wise or unwise vow? Why?
  5. How is the fulfillment and impact of Jephthah’s vow described in verses 39–40? Why do you think the fulfillment of the vow is described in this way?
  6. If the story of Jephthah and the sacrifice of his daughter is in the Bible for a reason, could you explain what that reason might be to someone who was asking? Who is this story ultimately about and what possible comfort does it give us?
  7. Thank the LORD for the lengths He has gone to to save us from our sins and to deliver from even the worst of situations.

Questions taken from Van Pelt, Miles V.. Judges (Knowing the Bible) Crossway: Wheaton, IL, 2018, 62-65.
