• Preacher: Steve Constable
  • Sermon Series: Three Values for Our Ministry
  • Sermon Title: Investment in People
  • Scripture: 2 Timothy 2:1 – 2

READ 2 Timothy 2:1-2

1. (verse 1) In what way is Paul making ‘a considerable claim for himself’ in verse 1? How can he justify this? What do you think Paul means by the life which is in Christ Jesus (verse 1)? Have you begun to experience this? If so, can you put into words exactly how it happened?

2. (verses 2–8) In what way is Timothy a ‘child’ of Paul? Do you have any ‘children’ in this sense? Who are you able to identify as your ‘parents’? What does it really mean to wish someone grace, mercy, and peace (verse 2)? What are the ‘four major influences’ which had shaped Timothy’s life? Are you aware of similar factors at work in your own life?

3. Paul’s investment in Timothy had produced someone who, like him, invested in others. (See Philippians 2:20-21). What are the interests of Jesus Christ and how has Timothy addressed them in his service? In what ways are you investing in others?

4. Pray for the ministry of Stony Point Church in this generation and for generations to come that we would invest in people for the sake of Jesus Christ.

Questions taken from John Stott, The Message of 2 Timothy (The Bible Speaks Today Series) InterVarsity Press. Kindle Edition, p. 128.
