• Preacher: Steve Constable
  • Sermon Series: Prepare to Meet Your God
  • Sermon Title: Prepare for the Redeemer
  • Scripture: Zechariah Zechariah 3:1-10


READ Zechariah 3:1-10

1. Have you ever been falsely accused of something? How did you or would you respond if your accuser was partly right?

2. In this next vision (Zechariah’s fourth dream), he is shown someone he probably knew well, Joshua, the high priest for the new temple. Read verses 1again and describe the scene and the persons present. Who is talking and what is the setting for their discussion?

3. In verse 2 we discover that Joshua is dressed in filthy clothes and yet as verse 2 opens the LORD rebukes Joshua’s accuser. Is he in fact filthy or is this just Satan’s criticism? What reasons does the LORD give for defending him from verse 2?

4. In verses 3-5 the angel of the LORD (we presume it is the same angel who has been Zechariah’s guide through these visions) commands that Joshua be redressed. What can we infer from verse 4b that the dirty clothes represented? What do the fine garments that God gives him show?

5. Joshua is told that he is a symbol. What is he a symbol of? How does the fact that he is the high priest of Israel relate to the One who is coming, God’s servant, the Branch?

6. We are continually reminded in Zechariah that the story of God’s people has always only had one people, one sacrifice, one means of salvation and one King. As you read phrases here like “a burning stick snatched from the fire” and “I have taken away your sin,” do you believe that these statements also apply to you? If you are not certain that they do, would you want to have that certainty?

7. Pray for the members of your group that there will be: a. a strong sense of the glory of God in Jesus Christ, b. a strong conviction that we are sinful and without hope except by God’s taking away our sins, and c. a strong confidence that we are saved, loved and secure through Christ whom God has sent.
