2 Corinthians 8:9 

“Though [Jesus] was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you by his poverty might become rich.”  


The death and resurrection of Jesus represent the most generous gift ever given: The King of Glory gave up everything in order to reconcile us to God. In response to this, we cheerfully, sacrificially, and consistently give to his Church and other concerns as a part of our worship, according to our personal financial situations. He owns everything and has given his all. It’s our joy to invest what He has given us to grow His Kingdom!

With this in mind, here are four ways you can financially support Stony Point Church through your giving.

Cash or check contributions can be put into the offering plate at any of worship services or sent directly to the church office. If you wish to donate to a particular fund or reimburse the church for the cost of a good or service, please indicate such on the memo line of your check (i.e. memo: “Deacon’s Fund” or “Youth Retreat”).


Stony Point Church
2330 Buford Road
Richmond, VA 23235


In keeping with our denomination’s guidelines, funds given in excess of the actual cost of a particular project (such as a missions project) may be applied to other needs at the direction of the SPC Session.

To designate your donation for a specific mission team member, please email virginia@stonypointchurch.org.

The best way to donate online to SPC is to set up a one-time or recurring payment through your personal bank’s online bill payment system. Many banks offer this service free of charge, without any processing fees. The following information might be helpful in setting up a Bill Pay:

  • Stony Point Reformed Presbyterian Church
  • Account number — If your bank requires this, your last name would be sufficient
  • 2330 Buford Road, Richmond, VA 23235
  • 804.272.8111
  • office@stonypointchurch.org

If Bill Pay is not an option through your bank, and you would still like to donate online, please see option #3 Online Giving.

Stony Point Church uses Church Center for secure credit card, debit card or bank draft contributions.


Please keep in mind that processing fees will reduce the amount the church receives from your contribution by 2-3% or more. If you would like for the church to receive the full amount of your gift, please consider setting up a one-time or recurring payment through your bank’s online bill payment system (see Giving option #2 Bill Pay).

PAYMENTS: If you’d like to reimburse Stony Point Church for the cost of goods or services, please use the links below, or the payment link associated with the specific meal or event registration page on our Calendar. Please note that payments are not considered tax-deductible and will not be included on an end-of-year contribution statement.

If you plan to donate stock or have any questions, please contact Virginia Casanova at va@stonypointchurch.org  or 804-272-8111 ext 103.

Your continued faithfulness to SPC through online giving or in checks mailed to the office will be a tremendous help and encouragement as we keep the church on track and seek to help those in need.

A note regarding designated giving: In keeping with our denomination’s guidelines, funds given in excess of the actual cost of a particular project (such as a missions project) may be applied to other needs at the direction of the SPC Session.

To designate your donation for a specific mission team member, please email virginia@stonypointchurch.org.