Steve was born and raised in England and became a Christian in his early teens. After graduating from university, he arrived in the US in the mid-80’s to pursue both his future wife, Barb, and his dream to be a scholar of Shakespeare. After four years into graduate school and helping with the local InterVarsity chapter, Steve and Barb concluded that God was calling them to seminary (Trinity Evangelical) in Chicago. In 1992 Steve graduated from seminary, was ordained in the PCA and began serving a church in suburban Chicago. In the late 90’s Steve and Barb moved back to the UK where he served as pastor at the International Presbyterian Church in London. From there, they returned to a PCA church in rural upstate New York until 2004, when they moved to Richmond to serve at SPC. Along the way the Constables had a little Constabulary — four children: Ben, Chrissy, Johnny, and Emma.
