1 Peter 2:4-5

But in the sight of God chosen and precious, you yourselves like living stones are being built up as a spiritual house. 

The 18-22 Ministry exists to reach people locally and away at universities with the love of Christ. Stony Point Church values this demographic and is excited to have them be a key part in the life of the church. This group offers a variety of ways to build community, grow deeper in your faith and use your talents to serve in the life of SPC.

This group meets weekly for discipleship training, dinner and Bible study, as well as small groups for girls and guys. Special fellowship events are scheduled each month.

Get Connected

Follow us on instagram (@18to22rva)

Join the GroupMe chat for information about upcoming events and real-time updates (frank@stonypointchurch.org | 804.929.2975).

September 2024

Sunday Class | 18-22 SPC: PhilippiansWeekly

 Sundays | September 1 to November 24 | This class is designed for the purpose of deeper study and transformational growth in our Christian walk. A discussion-based class covering the themes of humility, joy, hardship, hope beyond suffering, and giving glory to God. Teachers: Frank Matthews, Eric Eklund, and guests
15 Sep
9:45 AM - 10:45 AM
Stony Point Church | Buford-Polk House

18-22 SPC | Dinner, Fellowship and Bible StudyWeekly

Most Sundays | Join other young adults ages 18-22 for a meal, fellowship and Bible study. For real-time updates, contact Frank Matthews at frank@stonypointchurch.org or 804-929-2975.  
15 Sep
6:00 PM
Stony Point Church | Buford-Polk House
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