SPC Mission Info-Lunch
In an effort to keep our congregation better informed about missions at SPC, we occasionally host Mission Info-Lunches in the Fellowship Hall on Sundays from about 12:30 to 1:30. The meal is simple, kid friendly, and often very tasty. It is also free. After lunch, we get to meet some of SPC’s global and local mission partners and learn about their work and witness. We also pray with them.
Attending a Mission Info-Lunch in no way obligates you financially, or in any other way, to support these partners. But they do present you with an opportunity to have your faith in Jesus strengthened as you hear about what He is doing through His church around the world to build His Kingdom. It’s an opportunity to encourage our mission partners by caring enough to simply show up. And, if you are a parent, it is an excellent opportunity to expose your families to real life heroes of the faith, our missionary partners. RSVPs are helpful for planning, but not required.
Thank you for considering how you can participate in these projects by serving, praying, and or helping to fund them. If you have any questions or want to learn more about missions at SPC, email Michael Bryant or text/call 804-539-6453.

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