Monthly List
April 2025
Children’s ChoirWeekly
Most Wednesdays | September through May | Learning to worship Jesus through music. Children, first and second grade, will experience the art of music in Room 102 while third through fifth grade will be in the sanctuary with a team of choir leaders. Please follow the link below to register […]
Nurseries | Wednesday EveningsWeekly
Most Wednesdays | September through May | Our nurseries care for infants and toddlers from birth through 36 months. This ministry is for those children whose parents are participating or volunteering in our Wednesday evening groups. To help us give excellent care to your children, please be sure to complete […]
Cat Club and Kitty Cat ClubWeekly
Most Wednesdays | September through May | Cat Clubs and Kitty Cat Clubs are discipleship ministries for children. They have three big goals: Helping kids develop Christian friendships at church, laying a strong foundation for their formation of a Christian worldview, and, most importantly, helping them learn to bring their faith […]
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Wednesday Activities for Youth
Monthly List
April 2025
High School Guys’ Community GroupsWeekly
Most Wednesdays | September through May | Providing fellowship and discipleship for guys in 9th through 12th grades.
Middle School Youth Fellowship (MSYF)Weekly
Most Wednesdays | September through May | Cultivating a deeper love for God and for people through relational activities, teaching, and study.
High School Girls’ Community GroupWeekly
Most Wednesdays | September through May | Providing fellowship and discipleship for girls in 9th through 12th grades.
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Wednesday Groups for Adults
Monthly List
April 2025
Grupo de Comunidad en Español | Diaz Community GroupWeekly
Para más información, favor de enviar un mensaje a Frank Matthews,
Newcomers Community GroupWeekly
Most Wednesdays | This group provides an SPC Community Group experience for people who are new to the faith or new to the church and desire to make personal connections. Each week, through discussions and prayer, the participants get to know and begin to love one another. And when the […]
Women’s Bible Study Groups | Wednesday EveningsWeekly
Most Wednesdays | September through May | We would love for you to join us! Tuesday Morning Groups | 10:00 – 11:45 AM at SPC | starts September 10 Childcare available from birth through Pre-K Wednesday Evening Groups | 6:30 – 8:00 PM in Room 206 | starts September 11 Nursery & […]
Community Groups for Men, Women, and Co-Ed GroupsWeekly
Most Wednesdays | September – May | Community Groups at SPC are where we are growing to be more like Jesus by practicing love. The people in these groups make two related commitments: 1) To love the people in their group, and 2) To occasionally, as a group, express […]
Prayer MeetingWeekly
Most Wednesdays | September – May | Join us for prayer from 6:30 – 7:00 PM. If you plan to join this group, please follow the link below to register any children that will be coming with you, so that we can plan our children’s programs accordingly. If you have […]
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