“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:19 & 20

To help make our relationships with SPC’s Mission Partners closer and more consistent, we are building a team of Mission Partner Ambassadors. These Ambassadors serve as SPC’s personal links to our mission partners, providing them with care, connection, constant prayer and occasional planning. Individuals, couples, and families can serve as Ambassadors. Ambassadors do not need to be SPC members, but they do need to have a long-term commitment to worshiping and serving at SPC. Please ask God to guide you as you consider how to respond to this bite-sized, ongoing opportunity to be more involved in missions at SPC.


  • Care: Demonstrate an interest in and concern for the well-being, work, and witness of your Mission Partner.
  • Connection: Establish and maintain communication for mutual understanding and cooperation with your Mission Partner and promote their interests at SPC.
  • Constant Prayer: Daily ask God to bless the life, work, and witness of your Mission Partner and encourage others to do the same.
  • Occasional Planning: Organize and execute occasional projects, visits, encouragements, etc. with and for your Mission Partner.

These are offered in the spirit of support. They are not required. But we do hope that you will find some of them helpful as you care and pray for, and connect and plan with your Mission Partner. If you would like to add to our list of suggestions, please send yours to Michael Bryant for consideration.


  • Be a listener. Be an affirmer. Be an encourager. Learn to speak your Mission Partner’s love language.
  • Subscribe and read your Mission Partner’s newsletters and respond to them with questions/comments. Know what’s going on in your Mission Partner’s life, work, and witness and engage with them in that knowledge. (i.e. “So excited you were able to do xxx..tell me more about xx” )
  • Show humility and respect. Acknowledge that your Mission Partner knows more about the culture and people he or she is working in than we do. Listen and learn.
  • Send cards and small gifts to your Mission Partners on special days. Send cards and/or emails on birthdays (especially if your Partners have children in their home), anniversaries, etc.
  • Send occasional, small Care Packages including things from the US that are difficult to get away from home. (Shipping may be expensive. Consult with your Area Coordinator if you want help with paying for it.) Keep in mind that it can take many weeks for cards, letters, and (especially) packages to arrive. Plan and act ahead.
  • Let your Mission Partner know that you are there to share his or her needs with SPC’s Missions Leadership Teams.


  • Coordinate practical channels of communication between you and your Mission Partner. Identify methods and cadence of communication (email, real mail, phone, etc.) that you can maintain and that is convenient for both you and your Mission Partner. (WhatsApp and Facetime Messenger are great for long distance.)
  • Arrange a face-to-voice or voice-to-voice conversation with your Mission Partner every two or three months.
  • If your Mission Partner is local, meet them occasionally for a face to face visit. Lunch or coffee would be even better. Pray together.
  • Understand that all Mission Partners are easy to connect with. Just do your part. And, maybe, a little bit more from time to time.
  • If your Mission Partner has family in the US, ask if you can occasionally be in touch with them to encourage them and acknowledge their sacrifice.
  • Ask about your Mission Partner’s day-to-day, ongoing activities and needs, as well as their big plans, challenges, and successes.
  • As your relationships with your Mission Partner develops, he or she may share more personal issues that need to be kept confidential.  However, some may not want or be ready for that kind of relationship.  Go with their flow. Consult with your Area Coordinator if you are frustrated, need advice, or just want to talk.


  • Let your Partners know when you are praying for them. This is one of the most encouraging messages you can send.
  • Invite family members or close friends to pray with you regularly for your Mission Partner.
  • If you are in a Community Group, ask it to make time to regularly prayer with you for your Mission Partner.
  • Pass along your Mission Partners’ prayer requests to Guard the Gap and to your Area Director.
  • Attend Guard the Gap Prayer Meeting (the third Thursday of every month) to share your Mission Partner’s needs for extra care, challenges, & concerns in person.

Driving between these guardrails is required for the safety and security of our Mission Partners and effectiveness and efficiency of our Ambassador Team.  From time to time, given unique circumstances, it may be prudent and beneficial to drive off-road. If you are tempted, consult with your Area Coordinator or Michael Bryant before you do. And if you would like to add to our list of guardrails, please send yours to Angie Vardell for consideration.

  1. Never promise money to our Mission Partners (unless it is your own money). If your Mission Partner needs money, communicate that need to your Area Coordinator or Michael Bryant. The Mission Leadership Team will consider your request ASAP.
  2. Always protect the safety and security of your Mission Partner, especially online. Observe whatever security guidelines you work out with your Mission Partner.
  3.  Submit summarized Mission Updates from your Mission Partner to your Area Director.
  4. Alert your SPC Mission Team Area Director about issues your Mission Partner is facing or special projects they are engaged in.
  5. When making plans with your Mission Partner for a visit to SPC or a mission project, always keep your Area Director in the communication loop. When your Mission Partner comes to town work with Cathy Jones to help plan their lodging, transportation, meals, meetings and other needs.


  • Rise Richmond
  • CrossOver Healthcare Ministry / Ambassador: Sheyla Orengo
  • 40 Days for Life
  • Homework Helpers
  • Needle’s Eye
  • Pregnancy Resource Center of Metro Richmond
  • Joy House RVA
  • Patty’s Hope
  • Prison Discipleship Ministry
  • Red Cross Blood Services / Ambassadors: Linda Johnson & May Thomas
  • SPC Emergency Food Pantry / Ambassador: George Masiello
  • Strategies to Elevate People (STEP)


  • Bon Air Elementary School / Ambassador: LeNette Montgomery
  • Rise Academy
  • Elijah House Academy
  • Fellowship of Christian Athletes
  • International Students, Inc / Ambassador: Bill Anderson
  • Intervarsity at UR / Ambassadors: Nate & Laurie Mackey
  • Younglife Chesterfield / Ambassadors: Hampton and Fran Holdsworth


  • Africa: Pastor Silas Okello (Truth Evangelism Fountain Ministries) in Lira, Uganda / Ambassador: John Keltonic
  • Africa: Bruce and Pam Sinclair (Trinity) in Kampala, Uganda / Ambassador: John Keltonic
  • Africa: Ben & Kim Church (MTW) Kampala, Uganda / Ambassador: Chris Wygal
  • Africa: Pastor James Bab (South Sudanese Refugee Project) in Kiryandongo Refugee Settlement, Uganda / Ambassador: John Keltonic
  • Africa: Boas & Jenna Opedun (Serge) near Fort Portal, Uganda/ Ambassador: Jessica Hockett
  • Africa: Diana Ferrell (Global Outreach & Compassionate Women Initiative) in Jinja, Uganda / Ambassador: Cindy Bryant
  • Asia: William & Jessica Sprague (MTW) in Tokyo, Japan / Ambassadors: Bob & Karin Morgan
  • Asia: Sally (Pioneers) in an undisclosed location / Ambassador: Katie Jensen
  • Asia: Global Partners in Peace and Development in India / Ambassador: Marilyn Fisher
  • Asia: Jonah in an undisclosed location / Ambassador: Tom Harkins
  • Asia: Moscow University
  • Europe: Jeannie Tabb (CRU) in Ukriane
  • Europe: Adair Evans / Perlentor House
  • Europe: Rob & Rebecca (Serge) in West London / Ambassadors: Kent & Kelly Givens
  • Europe: Kurt & Jill (MTW) in East London
  • Europe: Pastor Al MacInnes (Dornoch Free Church) in Dornoch, Scotland / Ambassadors: John & Hannah MacKay
  • Europe: Bien & Veronica Tenkeou (CRU) in Moldova / Ambassadors: Hank & Peggy Graser
  • Europe: Artyom & Natasha Ostrivnoy (CRU) in Ukraine / Ambassador: George Deebo
  • The Americas: John & Cathy Clow (MTW) in Tegucigalpa, Honduras / Ambassador: Cathy Jones
  • The Americas: Emily Van Doornik (Students International) in Guatemala / Ambassador: Maria Dreiling
  • The Americas: Jaars in Waxhaw, North Carolina
  • The Americas: Students International in the Dominican Republic / Ambassador: Zac Collins
  • Here & There: Tom & Mylicah Smith (ITEM and MTW) / Stan & Joyce Francis
  • Here & There: Compassion International / Ambassador: Alyssa White


  • Local: Jack Wheeler
  • Campus: Eric Eklund
  • Africa: Melinda Batalias
  • Asia: Woody Fisher & Mark Grubbs
  • Europe: Michael Bryant
  • The Americas: Melanie Jones & Michael Dreiling
  • Here & There: John Hague

Email Michael Bryant



  • When you email or text a Mission Partner, always CC his or her Ambassador to keep them in the loop
  • Establish a mechanism to hold the Ambassador accountable (i.e. Area Coordinator contact Ambassador to help keep them on track, send Ambassador tips and ideas, and check-ins.  Trouble-shoot challenges. Keep fresh ideas on the minds of the ambassadors.
  • Never make visit or project plans with a Mission Partner without including their Ambassador.