My wife Kathy and I recently attended “Reconnect….a marriage workshop” that was sponsored by our church and mediated by Owen and Lauren Mitchell.  Not knowing quite what to expect, we were pleasantly surprised by an event that was both inspiring and thought provoking.

Having been married for 22 years, we had found ourselves and our marriage in trouble.  This workshop provided guidance and tools to further the process that we had already recognized as needing assistance, reinvigorating and reviving our marriage.  We had already taken steps to improve our communication skills and reacquaint ourselves with each other, but this seminar furthered that effort.  We had also identified a large void in our marriage — incorporating faith and spirituality in our relationship.  This seminar provided specific means of achieving this goal as well.  I’m thankful for the guidance the Mitchell’s provided.

This workshop, in a non-confrontational and gentle way, introduced us to new ways to recognize what was important to each other and to ourselves.  We learned new ways to incorporate church and prayer into our everyday life and devotion to one another.   We also learned new ways to acknowledge and celebrate that which we love about one another.  At the end of the day, our devotion to one another and to God is what will see us through both good and dark times.

We also had the great pleasure of experiencing this with new-found friends that shared our frustrations and challenges in life.  We weren’t alone in our quest!  In fact, the seminar allowed us to learn from our new friends and they learned from us.  While many of our problems were mutual, the ways we dealt with them were very different.  We shared ways that we had solved some of our issues that hadn’t quite occurred to them.  What a blessing!  To give really is to receive!

If you value your marriage and your spouse, this seminar is for you.  I am grateful to the Mitchell’s, and more so to my beloved wife Kathy, for honoring our marriage and for caring enough to share this important event with me.  I am a better person and husband having participated.

James Murphy



Thank you for bringing Marriage Reconnect to the area. This was one of the most enjoyable experiences I have had in a long time. My wife, Trisha, and I gained a lot of insight from this and were able to reconnect on several levels. This event is something that all marriages should do a couple of time in the time of their marriage.

We forget how easy it is to be caught up in the business of the world and trying to get ahead. We forget the person that we thought was the entire world is there and needing our encouragement, support, and strength just as much now as when first dating.

I highly recommend this event to any church or group that believes in marriage and wants to strengthen the ones they have and the ones to come. I have sent a recommendation to our pastor in charge of community outreach and groups about this event and hopefully soon in the future we will be hosting one at Journey in Apopka.

This event means a great deal to my wife and I for we are the ones that minister and teach the Divorce Care groups for divorce recovery.

David W. Faulk Journey’s Christian, Apopka


Reconnect Marriage Conference:

I have been to a few marriage conferences, but I have to say this is the BEST one yet. I loved the fact that Owen & Lauren were very down to earth and humble. They admitted they had faults that they each had to work on and continue to work on.  They didn’t appear as having all the answers. It was said that while their approach was just an opening to an issue at hand, it was a necessary first step.  A small push to be completely honest with our spouses in a safe place with no judgement. Sometimes we can be afraid to open-up for fear of judgement, even from our spouses, who are supposed to love us unconditionally. We got the chance to really listen and hear what our partners were saying, while getting the chance to let our feelings be known on the subject. The activities forced me to open up on things that bothered me about our marriage.  While they were not “big” issues, if I left them alone and not said anything, they would have sat there in the back of mind nagging me. Getting them out to open up a dialogue with my husband made all the difference to move forward and not dwell on it.  The best part was that if not for this conference we wouldn’t have realized we both had similar concerns.  Neither one wanted to bring it up but we are so glad we did!  We are already making the changes necessary to move forward.  Another highlight was the interaction of the audience throughout the conference. Most conferences are heavy Speaker oriented with little to no participation from those in attendance. Owen made sure we all participated, and I loved to hear other’s opinions on the questions or statements. The group activities with other couples gave us insights and let us know that we are not alone in our issues. Other couples go through similar issues and we can utilize that to help us continue to grow, not only with our spouses but with other like-minded couples. We are here to work together.  The most important thing that I noticed was the use of Scripture in the teachings. Almost all points were referenced by the Word of God! Other conferences referenced Scripture but not all throughout the course like this one did! I would definitely attend another conference like this one and I would recommend every couple that I know to attend the next conference! Feel free to contact me and let me know what I can do to help spread the word for your ministry!  Thank you for taking the time to help us!

Have a Blessed Day!

